The two Czech athletes Petr Novak and Adela Boudikova decided at short notice to make the seasons first long-distance race in Vasaloppet China. The lack of snow in Europe…
The two Czech athletes Petr Novak and Adela Boudikova decided at short notice to make the seasons first long-distance race in Vasaloppet China. The lack of snow in Europe…
长春净月潭瓦萨国际滑雪节是长春市冬季最具影响力的国际大型旅游节庆活动,经过精心的策划和培育,已经发展成为长春市开展冰雪运动、拉动经济增长的良好载体和促进对外文化经贸交流、提升城市形象的最佳平台,彰显了强大的生命力。 今年的瓦萨滑雪节仍设在距瓦萨博物馆不远的净月雪世界内,美轮美奂的雪雕已成为中国瓦萨滑雪节不可或缺的亮点。来自全世界的滑雪爱好者,是不是很好奇,今年的滑行路线将会穿过哪些雪雕呢?下面让我们解密今年雪世界。 今冬净月潭冰雪产品设计突出观光型和体验性产品建设,围绕艺术观赏性和产品娱乐性,进行整体规划和分区布局,更加注重文化融合性,逐步将各分区培育成特色品牌,力争把净月潭打造成国际冰雪体验和观赏中心。 今年净月雪世界以“净月情缘 冰雪之恋”为主题,包括冰上游乐区和雪雕园两部分,总占地面积56万平方米,较去年增加6万平方米。其中冰上游乐区增加2万平方米,雪世界增加4万平米。从滑雪场入口冰面区域到雪世界区域全部统一,打造净月雪世界。雪量突破去年10万立方米,增加至15万立方米。 净月雪世界在游览线路的设计上借鉴中国园林“移步换景”的特点,分为6大主体景区。第一景区为“雪舞风情”;第二景区为“文化之旅”;第三景区为“迎春报喜”;第四景区为“新年祝福”;第五景区为“星河之梦”;第六景区为“狂飙赛场”。 “六大主体景区”的冰雪产品将倾力打造冬天里的童话世界,将国家“一带一路”战略融入产品规划,利用雪雕冰雕,再现丝绸之路途经国家的人文建筑和历史内涵,呈现净月冰雪文化独有的视觉盛宴。今年净月雪世界,在展示欧陆风情的同时,巧妙的融入中国传统文化元素,中西文化的碰撞和融合,将通过冰与雪的作品立体呈现。此外净月雪世界尝试利用新媒体手段,在游客游园过程中增加线下互动乐趣,形成二次传播,为打造智能景区进行先期市场培育。 第一景区:雪舞风情 此景区雪雕多为意象符号,通过形态各异的表达来烘托气氛,体现激情奔放、热烈欢快的喜庆场面,带给游客以强烈的视觉冲击。作品如下:正门----雪之舞,净月欢迎您,走进净月,雪域风情(俄式建筑)还有在此区域10余件与题材相关的小作品小天使和小雪人。 第二景区:文化之旅 此景区让我们走进欧洲,赏艺术殿堂。此区域把西方罗马竞技场和米兰大教堂作为区域性主雪雕,在其间用角斗士场景和人物祈祷两组点题作品带给游客身临其境的感受。在此区域两侧用画廊的形式来展示西方艺术大师安格尔、米开朗基罗、毕加索的优秀作品。通过视觉艺术的传达让游人感到精美的雪雕带给其心灵的震撼。 第三景区:主会场 作为长春冰雪节暨瓦萨滑雪节开幕式的主要场地,以主雪雕为主,在主席台对面布置参赛国国旗,正中安置16米长,5米高LED大屏幕,随时对比赛情况进行展示。 第四景区:新年迎祝福 2016年是猴年,该景区以齐天大圣为形象,用幽默诙谐的动作指引游客来观赏现实生活幸福安居的场景。此景区以徽派建筑为主的雪雕群,布局为一条小街的形式,期间采用雪屋的形式布置售卖经营用房,游人可以在街区既可以购物又可以游览,打破历年以景为主的单调格局,力求把街区打造成安居幸福,充满生活气息的小村镇。在齐天大圣周边布置12生肖,以及命名为“团团圆圆”的彩色熊猫群组,象征幸福之家。 第五景区:星河之梦 此雪雕一改以往体量巨大、观赏为主的特点,前所未有地以四维立体的新形式呈现,让游客走入雪雕中,感受“日月之行,若出其中;星汉灿烂,若出其里”的独特体验。该景区同时以儿童青年喜闻乐见的卡通形象为主,给他们提供游、玩、照、乐的区域。周边设置“热带雨林大象群”、“南极企鹅”、“熊大熊二”、“幸福家园”、“心中太阳”、“和谐交响乐”等20余组作品。此区域还有全国雪雕赛块50余组。 第六景区:狂飙赛场 在雪雕园外继续设置大量的冰雪娱乐产品,在雪迷宫、雪地摩托、马拉雪橇、狗拉爬犁、雪地坦克等产品之外,创新性地开设雪球版《愤怒的小鸟》、雪地真人CS等。 冬季,净月潭最吸引人的地方莫过于冰雪游乐场,丰富多彩的冬季娱乐项目让人目不暇接,有雪滑梯、雪迷宫、雪地摩托车、三人冰车、冰上自行车、冰壶、狗拉爬犁、马拉爬犁、冰猴、雪地越野车、雪地赛车、冰上碰碰车、毛绒车、雪地坦克、雪地装甲车、雪地卡丁车、雪地足球场等。 置身于这片银白色的世界,我们可以抛开一切烦恼,尽情的与冰雪相拥,感受雪滑梯带给我们的惊险刺激。雪地摩托从我们眼前开过,溅起一片片银白色的雪花,不远处打雪仗的人们高声的尖叫,俨然是一片欢乐的海洋。玩累了,吃上一串甜甜的冰糖葫芦或一个香喷喷的烤地瓜,浓浓的东北风情会很快感染所有人。 此外冬季净月潭景区正门以东方传统狮子雕塑为题材,正门外雕刻两座守门狮。景区西门雕刻瓦萨吉祥物——小鹿滑雪,作为进入瓦萨滑雪节的引导标识。沿途用欧式滑板旗和在瓦萨桥雕刻瓦萨国王小型雪雕组,引导各国滑雪爱好者到瓦萨滑雪基地。在进入博物馆路口雕刻雪雕一座,在雪雕上用中英文对照标注“中国长春净月潭欢迎您”,表达欢迎八方宾朋来到净月潭。
To maintain world-class service and security for our clients, Lanyon will be implementing a data center migration beginning at 11:00pm US eastern time on Friday, November 20, 2015 and lasting…
Three students from Changchun, together with one team leader, this week takes part in I.V.S.C.E. (International Vasa Studen Cultural Exchange) in Mora, MN, USA. Studens from USA, Sweden, Japan and…
Raymond Karlsson, born in 1931 and from Falun, Sweden has registered for Vasaloppet China 2017. He has signed up in the group of PWT Travel which has cooperation with the…
International Vasaloppet Culture Exchange(IVCE) is originated by Vasaloppet Sweden headquarters, which is held in each three years. IVCE is designed to promote intercultural understanding through students exchange among the international…
国际瓦萨滑雪交流大会是由瑞典瓦萨总部发起的,每三年举办一次,由瓦萨成员国轮流主办。其目的在于加强各国瓦萨滑雪节之间的国际交流合作,引导各国青少年健康成长,促进各国瓦萨举办地的经济发展。 2009年中国首届国际瓦萨滑雪交流大会在长春召开,来自瑞典瓦萨、美国瓦萨、日本瓦萨和中国瓦萨的三十多名代表参加了会议,并且就开展四国瓦萨间的合作、保持及增加瓦萨参赛人数、继续开展国际瓦萨学生文化交流等问题进行了热烈的讨论。 2013年,日本曾举办国际瓦萨学生文化交流会。 今年,国际瓦萨文化交流在日本札幌如期举办,日期为3月12日至16日。瓦萨家族的代表团们将访问旭川、札幌。并亲临日本瓦萨举办现场,以VIP的身份体验日本瓦萨滑雪节。希望所有瓦萨家族的优秀代表们可以在日本留下难忘的回忆并对日本文化有更深一层的了解。
On January 2nd the 13th edition of Vasaloppet China was held in Changchun and for the first year under the Worldloppet flag. In minus 15 degrees and sunshine skiers from…
In the year of 2003, the Vasaloppet, with more than 80-year history back in its homeland, Sweden, settled in Changchun Jingyuetan, China. Vasaloppet China is an international cross-county ski event,…
After beautiful snow,Vasaloppet China have its 13th edition in China, Changchun. This is the first year that Vasaloppet China officially join Worldloppet.In technique part, we have follow worldloppet request enlarge…
Since Vasaloppet China cooperation with Vasaloppet Sweden. Dala horse come to China as well. Now, Chinese artist combine Chinses tradition culture with sweden dala horse. You can only see and…
Through two month preparation, Vasaloppet China have its opening ceremony this morning at 10am. There are more than 40 vips from FIS,Worldloppet member countries,CSA internetional friendly cities representives come to…
Nordic Ways team wish you a happy new year. Hope skiers will have a excellent results and keep a special memory in Vasaloppet China. Enjoy your Vasa night and Vasa party~
The snow comes to Changchun 2014. It is more earlier than before. There is a old saying in China: Good snow shows a good year. It no doubt that we…
The swedish national team skier, Robin Bryntesson, just signed up for the 13th edition of Vasaloppet China. He will also join Tour de Ski China with totally 5 stages around…
Vasaloppet Sweden today, in national live broadcasting, presented the new selected Kranskulla and Kransmas for 2015 Vasaloppet. Congratulations to Viktoria Stärner and Victor Gustafsson! From Vasaloppet China goes a special…
Todays snow production at Worldloppet/Vasaloppet China arena in Jingyuetan park. Totally 16 snowguns is in full production right now and the ski track preparations are in great progress. It’s now…
The Worldloppet Ski Federation (known as “Worldloppet”) is an international sports federation of cross-country skiing marathons, founded in 1978. The aim of Worldloppet is to promote the sport of cross-country…
Nordic Ways is happy to formally announce the new cooperation agreement with as privileged social network partner in China. The media giant with seat in Beijing is often dubbed…
Nordic Ways Vasa together with Jilin College of Foreign Languages have set up a new cooperation project to build a Youth Volunteers Association to produce a great number of highly…